Dua for husband wife love

And Islamic Dua for husband to love his wife

  1. Husband is one of the most precious relation. They are connected by blood and soul. Women live with their husband for the rest of their life.
  2. Therefore, love between companions is the most important element to live rest of life with happily and peacefully.
  3. Dua for husband wife love helps to create love between companions and helps them to live together happily.

Dua for husband to love his wife

  1. Most women face a problem when it comes to finding a good character and a loving husband.
  2. When they are bonded with each other, the difficulty that is faced by them is that their husband has not the bonding of love.
  3. In these circumstances, dua for husband to love his wife is preferred because no one can change a person’s thought or fortune without Allah decision.

Dua for husband and wife love

  1. Marriage is one important decision for people. But, sometimes this decision turns wrong and the person has to face difficulty in maintaining the relationship.
  2. However, the purpose of making dua for husband and wife love is overcome difficulty on finding a right companion or that companion which have lack of love in their relationships or other internal issues which are being the source of ending love between companion.
  3. Nevertheless, Allah answers the dua which are made by true intentions.

Dua for husband and wife love from Quran

  1. Allah revealed the Quran to the Last Prophet through angel Jibrael on different occasions. Muslim believe that it is the book of guidance.
  2. However, Allah put many cures in Quranic surah and dua.
  3. Therefore, there are lots of powerful dua for husband and wife love from Quran which are very much effective.
  4. Quranic dua can help a person in difficulties as they are very effective.

Islamic dua for husband to love his wife

  1. Muslims believes that anything is possible for Allah.
  2. Therefore, they prefer dua in every hardship. Islamic Dua for husband to love his wife removes hardships faced by most of the women on creating a love for their husband and removes all the hurdles that come in between companion love.
  3. Although, it depends on a person’s intentions whether their dua will be answered.
Dua for love of husband and wife
  1. Prayer is the basic need of life and prayers. Dua helps a person to get success in every sector of life. When dua made by the pure heart of a person and it has a good motive than this would be the best dua in front of Allah.
  2. Thus, the best dua for love of husband and wife is made by a pure heart and it has a good motive.
  3. Therefore, it helps to create love, affection, and affection between husband and wife. Allah will surely answer the duo made by a person with a good motive.


Read Ya Wadud-Allah’s name……..500 times,  Salavat/ Darood 5 times before and after Then do a dua



Marriage is one important decision for people. But, sometimes this decision turns wrong and a person has to face difficulty in maintaining the relationship. Many couples face difficulty in creating love between their companions due to many factors. In these circumstances, prayer for husband and wife love is preferred because no one can change a person’s thought or fortune without Allah decision.


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