Dua for safety of pregnancy

Dua for safety of pregnancy – How to pray wazifa or to read for protection keeping baby safe during complications

  1. Pregnancy period is not easy for any women because in this period women suffer lots of pain and hardships.
  2. Moreover, women also have to be safe from the bad eye or evil magic in this period.
  3. Therefore, to overcome all of these circumstances dua for safety of pregnancy helps women to be protected from all negativity and helps to be relief from pain.

Dua for keeping baby safe during pregnancy

  1. According to Muslims belief, only Allah has the power to control anything in earth and heaven.
  2. Therefore, Muslim does not associate others by Allah. It is our firm belief that Allah has the solution to every problem.
  3. So, Muslim remember Allah in every hardship and beg to help in the face of dua.
  4. Dua for keeping baby safe during pregnancy is made only in front of Allah and believe that only will answer those prayers and wait for the positive outcome.

Dua for pregnancy complications

  1. Pregnancy is the condition or period of being pregnant. This is not an easy period for any women.
  2. Women carry a child in her for months. This period is very painful for her.
  3. Therefore, during these hard times, dua for pregnancy complications helps the woman to overcome all difficulty and hardships and makes this time easy for her.

Dua to read during pregnancy

  1. Holy Quran is a book of complete guidance and benefits. Quran has nearly every dua for every situation. Quran and Hadith recommended many dua for every aspect of life. But, what are the effective dua to read during pregnancy?
  2. However, the Dua to read during pregnancy is reciting of surah Yousuf, surah Nasr or many recommended surah and dua for getting best results.
  3. Nevertheless, any dua made by true feelings shall be answered.

How to pray during pregnancy

  1. Dua is the wish makes by a Muslim to get help from Allah. If a person cannot make dua in Arabic or can’t recite the verses of the Quran.
  2. They can make dua for pregnancy in any language. For instance, English, Urdu, etc.
  3. Women think that how to pray during pregnancy. Therefore, dua for pregnancy in any language is effective as dua in the Arabic language.
Wazifa for protection of pregnancy
  1. Pregnancy period is not easy for any women because in this period woman suffers lots of pain and hardships.
  2. Moreover, women also have to be safe from bad eyes or evil magic in this time period.
  3. Therefore, to overcome all of these circumstances dua for protection of pregnancy helps women to be protected from all negativity and helps to be relief from pain.

Read ya Muktadir-o Allah’s name…..744 times every day. Darood / Salavat 10 times before and after. This is a forever wazifa.


Pregnancy period is not easy for any women because in this period woman suffers much pain and hardships. Women can suffer pain and sickness in this period. Therefore, dua for pregnancy vomiting helps a woman to overcome sickness during pregnancy and make her relief from pain.


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