Powerful Wazifa for love marriage

Powerful Wazifa for love marriage, Ya Latifu Ya Wadud  Ya Fattahu Ya Mujeebu Ya Allah or Ya Jamiu for love marriage

  1. Many people face difficulty in finding the right companion due to many factors.
  2. But, these difficulties are temporary. As Allah won’t give problem without its solution.
  3. Quran has many surahs and powerful Wazifa for love marriage. One has to recite them and believe Allah for the best results.

Ya Latifu Ya Wadud for marriage

  1. Allah SWT has 99 good names, which includes Ya-Latifu that means ever-discreetly gentle and Ya Wadud that means The Most Loving.
  2. However, by reciting Ya Lateefu Ya wadud for marriage, we are calling one of the qualities and makes dua what is good for us.
  3. This dua is very effective and strong for unmarried

Ya Latifu Wazifa for love marriage

  1. Marriage is one important event for people in their lives.
  2. It is a union of mates vowing to spend the rest of their lives together through every thick and thin.
  3. Unfortunately, many people perform wazifa for marriage to get the right companion for marriage.
  4. In such conditions, Muslim prefer Ya Latifu Wazifa for love Marriage which eventually proves to be very effective.

Ya Fattahu for marriage

  1. Ya Fattahu is the zikr that is appreciable in front of Allah and He will listen to the prayers of a person who perform this zikr continuously.
  2. However, Ya Fattahu is helpful in getting married and live a happy marriage life.
  3. Therefore, Ya Fattahu for marriage is preferable and recommended dua for marriage in order to get married.

Ya Mujeebu for marriage

  1. According to the belief of Muslims. Answering of dua is in the hands of Allah.  Some of the dua answered late some works faster.
  2. However, it depends on the person’s intention of making dua. Therefore, Ya mujeebu for marriage is very helpful in marriage and life after marriage.
  3. Indeed Allah is the best listener. Allah answered all the prayers that you made.

Ya Allah Wazifa for marriage

  1. The term Dua is an Arabic origin which means ‘to call’.
  2. When Muslim makes dua they think that they are begging for help to Allah.
  3. Therefore, when a person is making Ya Allah Wazifa for marriage they call a name of Allah, who has the power to help a person by any hardship.
Ya Jamiu for love marriage
  1. Dua will be answered if it is made by a person with a heart. As Allah judges the person motive and intentions of making a wish.
  2. Even if it’s a long dua or a short zikr of Ya Jamiu for love marriage, if a person makes dua for his love with all his heart.
  3. Indeed Allah is the best listener. Allah answered all the prayers that you made.

Read Ya Wadud-Allah’s name……..500 times,  Salavat/ Darood 5 times before and after Then do a dua


Dua found very beneficial of those who are trying to get marry with their love of life. But are not able to get married due to many factors. But, which dua is most effective for them? So, this dua is helpful for removing hardship and difficulty in getting marriage they love.


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